Improve Your Reading by 25%

What if you could improve anything by 25%? Imagine if you could enhance your investment portfolio by that much or lose 25% of your body fat without dieting (if I knew how to do that I certainly wouldn't be writing a blog page today)! What about a 25% drop in your golf score or a 25% increase in your bowling average? How about a 25% drop in your bad cholestorol or 25% more hair on your head? Wouldn't you be ecstatic if gas prices dropped by 25%? But now we've moved from possibilities to fantasies haven't we? While a 25% change in any of these things would be a faint possibility today, reading quicker, better, and more effectively is not. Listen to this podcast and greatly improve your reading
skills today!
Reading Better (Podcast - time = 22:15)
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